Room Ready Notifications

Check-in at any time

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It's frustrating for both guests and staff when a guest tries to check in and their room is not yet ready. It requires an additional trip back to the front desk once the room is ready to receive a key.

Virdee Room Ready Notifications solve this problem by providing guests with a room key, even if the room is not yet ready, and then notifying the guest once the room is ready. No additional trip to pick up a key.

The best part - it works on Mobile, at the Kiosk, and at the front desk. 

Eliminate additional trips to the front desk

Guests don't always arrive right at check-in time. They often arrive early and want to check in. Of course, you want them to be able to start enjoying the property and its amenities, even if their room is not yet ready.


The problem

Guests stand in line to check in only to be told that their room is not yet ready. They are told to come back after the official check-in time in order to pick up their key. Naturally, that is when the line for the front desk is the longest. It ends up hurting guest satisfaction and loyalty ratings and takes up more staff time.


The solution

By enabling check-in via Mobile and Kiosk with Room Ready Notifications, guests can check in at any time, even if their room is not yet ready. They receive in-app, text, and email notifications once their room is ready.


No second trip for a key

When using mobile key, guests receive their key right on their phone. If they checked in at the Kiosk, they are able to print out a key encoded to their room even before it is ready. The notification they receive once the room is ready includes their room number.

Room Ready Notifications let guests check in at any time

What about front desk check-ins?

Some guests prefer checking in at the front desk. Those guests shouldn't be forced to return to the front desk a second time to pick up a key either. Front desk staff can add guests to the Room Ready queue, provide the guest a room key, and Virdee takes it from there.


Virdee handles the actual check-in

To avoid any potential issues if the room has to be moved or other changes have to be made, the Virdee system does not process the check-in until a room is confirmed ready.

Room Ready Notifications let guests check in at any time

How does it work?

Whether via Mobile, at the Kiosk, or at the front desk, guests can check in and get their room keys, even if their room is not yet ready. The Virdee system ensures a smooth experience for both guests and staff.

Room Ready Notifications allow guests to check in even if their room is not yet ready

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