The Mirage
Las Vegas

Virdee technology transformed the guest experience at a the Mirage Las Vegas

Client profile: a premier destination resort

The Virdee solution and time to impact

The Mirage Las Vegas
key achievements with Virdee

12% organic conversion rate with Virdee
Virdee saved 2,400 staff hours
1,200 touchless key pickups per month with Virdee.
Virdee saved 2,600 guest hours

The challenge: crowded check-ins hurting the guest experience

Las Vegas is the home of some of the largest and most opulent hotels found anywhere in the world. A bustling city ceaseless attractions, Las Vegas is known for its round-the-clock activity. However, the active nature of the city also brings with it a unique challenge: the influx of large crowds converging upon these hotels simultaneously, creating a dynamic where throngs of tourists, many experiencing Las Vegas hotels for the first time, converge upon the check-in desks, especially during peak hours.


This all-too-common sight at the front desks was far from the welcome the Mirage desired for its guests.

Virdee hotel self-check-in technology helps Las Vegas hotel casino.

The solution: mobile and kiosk check-in with identity verification powered by CLEAR

Virdee's suite of solutions redefined the check-in experience with a smart blend of mobile-based services and easy-to-use lobby kiosks – all reinforced by CLEAR's identity verification system.

Guests gain control with mobile check-in

No more downloads or delays. Before even setting foot on the property, Mirage Las Vegas guests can complete check-in formalities, providing payment details and signing terms and conditions.

Virdee enables touchless check-in at the Mirage Las Vegas.
Virdee identity verification with signature capture for secure hotel self check-in.

Increased security with CLEAR

With Virdee identity verification powered by CLEAR, both property and guests can rest assured that the highest level of precautions have been taken. Of course, guests do not have to be CLEAR members to complete verification and can enjoy one-click verification if they are members.

Lobby kiosks for 100% contactless check-in

Upon arrival, guests who've checked in via mobile can immediately grab their key cards from the self-service lobby kiosks, saving precious Vegas time. Those who haven't checked in can complete the process at the kiosks and still benefit from skipping the front desk.

Mirage Las Vegas self-service hotel check-in kiosk powered by Virdee technology.
Room Ready Notifications let guests check in at any time

A new feature: room ready notifications

An additional challenge caused by many guests arriving throughout the day is that rooms are not always ready when guests arrive before their check-in time. This typically necessitates two trips to the front desk or kiosk: one to check in and one to pick up a key at a later time, usually the official check-in time. To address this need, room ready notifications were added to the functionality for the Mirage Las Vegas in July of 2023.


In more detail: Automated notifications

This feature allows guests to check in via mobile or via the kiosk even if a room is not yet ready. Miratuests can then pick up their key at the kiosk. They are then notified via text message of the room number once the room is ready and can head straight to their room. A big benefit of the room ready notification feature is that it can be leveraged by Mirage staff at the front desk as well as at the kiosk. If a guest chooses to check in at the front desk before their room is ready, staff can enroll the guests into the room ready queue, resulting in the same benefit, eliminating an additional trip to the front desk to pick up a room key.

Guest gambling in Las Vegas

Software transition: fast onboarding to ensure quick ROI

With only a 30-day window for the Mirage Las Vegas to transition from a previous software to Virdee's innovative technology, an efficient onboarding was critical. Typically setup and installation takes 10-12 weeks but through strong collaboration between the resort and Virdee, deployment time was cut by more than 50%—delivering a 30-day schedule from approved contract to operational.

The Mirage Las Vegas
key achievements with Virdee

12% organic conversion rate with Virdee
Virdee saved 2,400 staff hours
1,200 touchless key pickups per month with Virdee.
Virdee saved 2,600 guest hours

The results: 2,600 hours
of time saves for guests, 4,200 hours saved for staff

Over 32,200 check-ins were processed in 2023, which resulted in a conversion rate of 12%. The initial goal for the Mirage was not 100%, and certain rate codes were excluded from online and kiosk check-in by design. In total, 109 days of time were saved for guests, and 174 days of time were saved for staff. That results in a savings of just over two full-time employee salaries.


Room ready notifications are a new feature launched in July 2023 and averaged 1,200 enrollments per month. With a conservative estimate of three minutes required to pick up a key at the check-in desk, guests and staff saved an additional 360 hours each in just one month.


An important point to note is that the results seen thus far with the Mirage Las Vegas are 100% “organic.” The hotel communicated via a limited email distribution about online check-in prior to guest arrival. What’s more is that the Mirage has yet to deploy staff to welcome guests upon arrival and to steer them to the kiosks. This means that with minimal effort, a 12% conversion rate was almost instantly achieved with the installation of Virdee technology. With further engagement and explanation to guests ahead of time, the adoption rate can easily double or triple, reducing the demand on the front desk even further and saving additional staff headcount.

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