How to customize hotel guest technology to each generation

How do you deploy hotel guest technology without alienating a certain age group? Hotels guests represent every generation, and that creates a significant challenge when it comes to choosing the right technology.

We’ll differentiate between two groups: the pre-tech generations – Baby Boomers and Generation X – and the tech generations – Millennials and Gen Z. Guests from the pre-tech generations generally grew up without computers or cell phones. The internet was still far off when they were children. They have specific expectations regarding hotel technology that balance modern conveniences with user-friendly features. The tech generations have high expectations when it comes to hotel technology. They grew up with technology, are comfortable with it, and (as a result) have high demands and expectations.

How do hotels best cater to the needs of both groups?

Let’s first look at the pre-tech generations. Here are some key expectations from this group of guests when it comes to technology.

– User-friendly interfaces: Technology should be intuitive and easy to use. Complicated systems can be a deterrent, so simplicity is key. This includes providing multiple interfaces like web, app, and kiosk.

– Online booking and check-in: The ability to book rooms and check-in online is valued for its convenience. However, they also appreciate having the option for in-person check-in if they prefer. The human touch is still important.

– Personalized services: Technology that enhances personalized service, such as remembering previous preferences or offering customized recommendations, is valued.

Overall, these older generations look for a blend of modern technology that enhances their stay without being overly complex or difficult to use… all with a twist of human interaction added in. These guests value someone available in the lobby to help out if they run into trouble using check-in technology. They are also more likely to still prefer standing in line until they are convinced of the value of using a kiosk, for example. A unique balance of technology and staff is key.

In contract to older generations, younger generations have a preference for speed and efficiency aided by technology. Having grown up with self-service options (ATMs, self-checkout lanes, airport kiosks), they are adept at using these technologies to take control of their own experience.

These generations also prefer online to face-to-face communication. 65% of Gen Z prefer to communicate online rather in person. 59% of Millennials prefer to use messaging apps like Facebook Messenger to interact with customer service. It’s easy to see that providing a contactless option for these generations is quickly becoming a necessity for hotels.

Here are three of the most important technology features a hotel should have:

– Mobile-first experience: Particularly Gen Z grew up with a cell phone in hand. They expect all interactions, from booking to check-out, to be available on and optimized for mobile.

– Contactless everything: From check-in to room service, they prefer minimal physical contact through the use of apps and kiosks.

– In-app concierge services: The ability to request services, make reservations, and get local recommendations directly through a hotel app. AI-powered chat will be a big value-add here.

Millennials and Gen Z represent a unique challenge when it comes to deploying hotel technology. Where Baby Boomers and Gen X may be happy with limited options with staffing present for additional support, younger generations want to be able to do everything contactlessly, and that is no easy task.

Hotel guests represent every generation, and that creates a significant challenge when it comes to choosing the right technology. It’s important to address all generations and to not alienate the other. By deploying the most user-friendly and fully featured guest solution, you address older and younger generations at once. By strategically leveraging some staff in the lobby, you address the need of the older generation and their initial reluctance to use technology. Other aspects are important as well including in-lobby signage, welcome emails, and proper staff training to speak effectively to all guests.

Whether you’re looking to deploy guest-facing technology or are looking for guidance with your current system, Virdee is here to help. Contact us and let us know how we can help.

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